I don’t like the look of that castle, Uncle Scrooge…
Tag: Capcom
Ace Attorney Dual Destinies Producer Comments on Release
The good thing is that we are still getting the game.
Mega Man 6 Available on 3DS Virtual Console in Europe
More Mega Man goodies for Europe.
DuckTales Remastered Gets A PC Release
DuckTales Remastered is making its way to PC after popular demand.
(Japan) Glimpse of a Limited Edition of Monster Hunter 4
Some extra gear for your monster hunting needs.
(Europe) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: Gift and Promotion Deal
Grab that friend of yours and get ready to hunt!
(Japan) May 31st Nintendo Direct Recap: Monster Hunter 4, Ace Attorney 5
This latest Japanese Nintendo Direct focussed on Monster Hunter 4 and Ace Attorney 5. What was revealed? Look within to find out!
IMPRESSIONS: First European Project X Zone Demo
How well does it play?
CAMPAIGN HUB: We Desire Breath of Fire – Mass-posting to Capcom on June 1
June 1, 2013 we will march on with our campaign with a seventh mass-social media posting to renew interest
Mega Man X Coming to the Wii U eShop
Keep the classics in the Mega Man franchise rolling, Capcom!
Games of the Past REVIEW: Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Seasons
Two games for the Gameboy Color, intertwined so closely that they can hardly be separated… and yet, they are each unique. Their names: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.
Ace Attorney Trilogy HD Release Date Announced
Denouncing a delay? Well that’s a first.
DuckTales Remastered: Looking Back on Development
Some classic treasure hunting.
Miles Edgeworth and Trucy Wright Return in Ace Attorney 5
No objections whatsoever.
Monster Hunter 4 — New Area, Monsters Revealed
Slaying ferocious beasts on floating ice seems…precarious…
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies Demo Out Now
3DS not included… or needed.
Capcom Explains Why Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies Is Digital Only
If it must be, then so be it.
PRESS RELEASE- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies Western Release This Fall
Phoenix Wright’s next adventure could be here sooner than we’d hoped!