Director Benjamin Rivers announced today that the indie game Alone With You is heading exclusively to PS4 and PS Vita some time next year.
Tag: Adventure
IMPRESSIONS: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father – 20th Anniversary Edition
Experience an updated take on the classic tale of Gabriel Knight!
REVIEW: Quest for Infamy
Hacking and slashing may not be this RPG/Adventure hybrid’s forte, but look past its shortcomings and you’ll find a solid adventure game with a fun story.
REVIEW: Broken Sword 5 – the Serpent’s Curse: Episode One
A return to form for the Broken Sword series and the adventure game genre marred only by a hasty cliffhanger.
Retro REVIEW: 5 Days a Stranger
Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw, well-known for his work on Zero Punctuation at The Escapist, was also the creator of this point-and-click horror: 5 Days a Stranger.
REVIEW: The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief—Chapter One
The first chapter to this murder mystery promises great things to come.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Harvest
A futuristic adventure inspired by the classic game Snatcher.
Nameless — an RPG About Hacking
Sick of fighting monsters? Fight hackers instead.
Ace Attorney 5’s Kizuki Kokone Listens to Your Heart
Kizuki Kokone has the ability to listen to a witness’ heart.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Dreamfall Chapters and More
It’s a smorgasbord of projects this week.
Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey Gets a New Trailer
A trailer has been released for Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey, a sequel to adventure games Dreamfall: The Longest Journey and The Longest Journey.
Blackwell Epiphany Announced, Newest Game in Acclaimed Adventure Series
Wadjet Eye recently announced the newest installment in their successful Blackwell series of adventure games: Blackwell Epiphany.
Steam’s Deal of Day Is To the Moon
Today’s Steam daily deal is To the Moon, a unique adventure-RPG from Freebird Games.
Hero-U Developers Reveal First Stretch Goal as Kickstarter Deadline Nears
At $500,000 (USD), the Hero-U developers will add a Meep companion and “more art and content.”
Operation Rainfall Origins: Streets of Rage
Beat ’em ups don’t get any better than this!
Press Release: Reversion: The Escape Coming to iOS October 11
PC point-and-click adventure game Reversion: The Escape will be released for iOS October 11, 2012.
Original Banjo-Kazooie Team Are Ready to Make “Spiritual Successor”
Now is a time for love, excitement and googly eyes!
New Professor Layton Trailer Revealed at TGS
Layton’s last adventure has a new trailer.
Quest for Glory Devs Look to Fund Hero U
A new Kickstarter project is on the horizon.
Famitsu Reveals New Magician’s Quest Game
A new entry in the series is coming to Japan.