Remember back when Ubisoft delayed Rayman Legends for the Wii U in order to have a simultaneous release on the PS3 and Xbox 360 as well? Well, Ubisoft has revealed the “Exclusive Demo” for Rayman Legends that they had previously teased for Wii U owners. Only, it’s not just a demo.
Instead, Ubisoft will be releasing Rayman Legends’ online challenge mode sometime in April exclusively for Wii U. Challenges will be released on a consistent basis, and will be available for free on the Wii U eShop.
Challenges will each contain its own leaderboard, which seems like a good time waster for competitive types.
You can view the announcement video below.
It seems the developers will also be taking part in the challenges. It’s nice to see them so involved with the community.
So, does this announcement vindicate Ubisoft in your eyes? Sound off in the comments.