Time to head back to Nijigasaki.
Parry Nightmare Makes its Way onto PC this March
A lot of bad dreams.
Unicorn Overlord – Classes, Leaders, Characters and More
Atlus has released more information about its upcoming Vanillaware title, Unicorn Overlord.
Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters Xbox Physical Editions up for Pre-Order
Xbox has the Swimsuits? What timeline is this?
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs The Thrilling Steamy Maze Kiwami Is Out Now
Time for a good hot bath!
oprainfall Week in Gaming: Jan 7 – 13
Check out what the crew has been playing in our downtime!
oprainfall Week in Anime & Manga: Jan 7 – 13
Check out what anime, manga, and light novels oprainfall is enjoying every week
Hololive’s Usada Pekora Gets Fate/Grand Order Collab Figure
Some big news for fans of both Pekora and FGO!
VenusBlood Ragnarok Coming West
Ninetail have announced their next Kickstarter project will VenusBlood Ragnarok.
Granblue Fantasy: Relink Demo Now Available
Give it a try now and get something later.
Cooking Eorzea Week 43: Pork Kakuni
For this week’s Cooking Eorzea column, I make Pork Kakuni and talk a bit about the Keynote from Fan Festival 2024 in Tokyo!
With FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH coming out on Leap Day, I list five things I want to see in the upcoming highly-anticipated sequel.
Golden Sun and The Lost Age Join Nintendo Switch Online
Golden Sun is coming to Nintendo Switch!
DATE A LIVE: Ren Dystopia Announced for Steam
Two newly localized audio dramas and a short novel will be included with the Deluxe Edition.
KONOSUBA – God’s Blessing On This Wonderful World! Love For These Clothes Of Desire! Will Launch in February
KONOSUBA – God’s Blessing On This Wonderful World! Love For These Clothes Of Desire! has the longest title ever!
REVIEW: Custom Mech Wars
Building Mechs is fun! Grinding for Mechs, not so much.
Cosmic Fantasy Collection Coming West with a Physical Release
A classic from my childhood and the original we’ve never seen!
Sympathy Kiss – Pre-order Details and New Character Trailer
This otome is scheduled to launch for Nintendo Switch on February 27th, 2024.
Hakuoki: Chronicles of Wind and Blossom Announced for Switch
This collection will be getting a Limited Edition that’ll contain the game, a manual, CD, art book, sticker sheet and numbered certificate.
Hunter x Hunter: Nen x Impact Revealed
Get a sneak peak at the upcoming Hunter x Hunter game!