Mega Man V and Xtreme

MM and Company | oprainfall

Capcom is bringing the remaining Game Boy Mega Man games to the Nintendo 3DS eShop. Even better, YOU get to choose which one comes out first. A poll was started over at Capcom-Unity to see which of six Mega Man games fans want to see released first. You have the choice of Mega Man II through V and Xtreme 1 and 2. Once the first game is released, they will continue to bring out the rest of the games on subsequent weeks.

MMV on the Game Boy | oprainfall

Mega Man II-IV re-use bosses from the NES games while Mega Man V is a completely new experience with new bosses and even a new robot partner named Tango. The Mega Buster even works in a completely different way than in other games! Mega Man V is one of the more interesting games in the series because of this. It seems many people missed it when it originally came out and now the game sells for a lot of money online. Mega Man IV is also noteworthy for being the game that introduced the shop system seen in later Mega Man games.

The Xtreme titles are similar to the previously mentioned games in that they re-use bosses from the console games except that, this time, they are based off Mega Man X-X3. Until Maverick Hunter X came out on the PlayStation Portable in 2006, this was the closest thing we had to a portable version of the SNES Mega Man X titles. Mega Man Xtreme 2 actually features Iris as a navigator. That name probably will not mean much to those unfamiliar, but it will to Mega Man X4 fans.

MM Xtreme on Game Boy Color | oprainfall

You have until April 14 to put in your votes on the Capcom-Unity website. Overall, these games are solid platformers, though there does appear to be a decent amount of hate online for Mega Man II. In any case, those of you craving some Mega Man action, go cast your votes!


Justin Guillou
Justin joined Operation Rainfall to share his passion and knowledge for some of the more obscure video games out there.