BATTLE 6: The Mystic

The Mystics are the characters that are ‘ones with the earth’, that control the power of the elements and that should probably belong in the school of Hogwarts. What they lack in physical strength they make up for it with their powerful magic.
Melia has been sheltered from the ‘outside’ world for most of her life. She is the ‘High Princess’ of Alcamoth and acts very much like one. She is overly formal, a little pompous and has a hard time understanding how non-Alcamothians live. However, over time she becomes accustomed to the ways of the commoner and soon loses her brat-like attitude. Melia controls the many elements of a JRPG world – fire, water, earth, wind, ice and bolt, as well as a few other tricks. She’s great for long-range attacks and against enemies that are we weak to certain elements. Her main disadvantage is her low health and defence, which can prove problematic with some of the tougher bosses, but keep her at a safe distance and she becomes a great asset to your team.
Mirana is a funny old soul. Like Melia she is ‘one with the earth’, with her main magic attack actually being ‘earth’ and she can also heal party members during battle – nothing new there. But what makes Mirania so ‘interesting’ is that she sounds constantly stoned when she speaks. She is invariably away with the fairies, throughout the entire game, and is always on the lookout for food – which is more evidence to add to her being ‘high’. Having said that, Mirania is perhaps one of the most useful characters, to have in your team, due to her ability to revive KO’d teammates. Not only does she revive any companion that has fallen, she also gives full health back to every party member, including herself. Very handy.
Does Melia’s pompousness float your boat or is a constantly stoned Mirania more your style? VOTE NOW!
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