Will you survive Dying Light’s free-running action-horror take on the zombie genre? Good night, and good luck.
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: Tiny Brains
Escape the lab with the help of your friends in Tiny Brains!
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: PixelJunk Inc.
PixelJunk Inc. is the best way to achieve your dream of being an intergalactic soup mogul!
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: Major Magnet Arcade
If you have a smartphone or a tablet, you’d be foolish not to try it…
PAX Prime 2013 First Look: Dragon Fin Soup
Little Red Riding Hood as a violent alcoholic? Sign me up!
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: Forced
Good old medieval hack-and-slash fun.
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: Rayman Legends
What the duck indeed, Rayman…
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
No objection to this title…
PREVIEW: Two Brothers from Ackk Studios
How is this game shaping up?
PREVIEW: MacGuffin’s Curse
Meet Lucas from MacGuffin’s Curse.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: The Legacy of Barubash
An RPG designed for Android devices!
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Framed
This is one of the best puzzle games I have ever seen.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Dungeon Dashers
A fast-paced, turn-based dungeon crawler inspired by tabletop gaming, for your PC.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Grow, from Studio Grow
This is happens when Team Fortress 2 meets Pokemon.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: The Oculus Rift
This VR hardware is super cool!
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Black Annex
Who thought sabotaging other companies could be so fun?
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Muse, a Free-Roaming Musical Game
It’s a great way to unwind when you’re feeling tired.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Game of Watchcraft
Game of Watch and WoW combined in retro bliss.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Painters Unite
Take your enemy over… by coating them in paint.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: InFlux; Releasing on GOG Today
InFlux is a great puzzle game by indie studio Impromptu Games. Come and read about it!