Physical copies of bullet hell shooters are rare, Limited Editions are almost unheard of.
REVIEW: Shantae Half-Genie Hero: Pirate Queen’s Quest
Bad girls have more fun!
The exclusive PSP Ys game finally comes to PC.
Artbook REVIEW: The Art of FE: Awakening
Tharja looks better than ever!
Get ready to grind
REVIEW: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
His original name was Willy the Wombat until he was hit by too many crates, true story.
RE-REVIEW: Moero Chronicle
A new ecchi dungeon RPG is now on Steam. How does it score on PC?
RE-REVIEW: Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star
Taking another look at this Warriors-style Fate spin-off.
REVIEW: Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire
Summon the heroes of old and reclaim your Kingdom in this unique RPG by YummyYumyTummy
REVIEW: Neko Navy
TBT REVIEW: Children of Mana
“The story you’re about to hear tells of the only time the holy sword ever dared to defy Mana”
REVIEW: Chicken Wiggle
A pecking good time
REVIEW: Herald: An Interactive Period Drama Book I & II
An intriguing start to an alternate 19th century tale on the high seas.
REVIEW: Lionheart
There aren’t many doujin games brought over officially, but maybe there were better choices.
REVIEW: Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo
Unsuccessful Operation.
PREVIEW: Necrosphere
Let’s take a first look at the tough-but-fair Metroidvania platformer, Necrosphere.
REVIEW: Namco Museum
Most of our readers were not even born when these games were made. Time for a history lesson.
REVIEW: Accel World Vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight
Another grand adventure for the SAO crew, but this time they have guests!
Early Access IMPRESSIONS: Tangledeep
A roguelike with a fairly deep class system
REVIEW: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Will this divisive, but critically acclaimed, JRPG from the PlayStation 2 find a new audience along with it’s new features?