I never expected a Senran Kagura pinball adventure
REVIEW: Redout
Racing is reaching new peaks of speed.
TBT REVIEW: Moonchild
Queen, Swordswoman, Mother, Badass
IMPRESSIONS: Masquerada on Switch
Beautiful, elegant and super complex
I attended the KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World of Tres- performance in Los Angeles, and I found a concert performance worthy of the series.
REVIEW: Dragon Star Varnir
The last game this team worked on together was one of my favorite JRPGs of this generation, what does their next game hold?
REVIEW: Furwind
A colorful and enjoyable experience held back by design choices.
REVIEW: Super Neptunia RPG
The battle between 2D and 3D begins!
REVIEW: My Friend Pedro
Listen to the banana. He only wants what’s best for you…
REVIEW: Neptunia Shooter
This is pretty much what it says on the tin.
Anime Review: Non Non Biyori
Nyanpasu Seasons 1 and 2!
REVIEW: Space War Arena
Blowing things up in space never gets old
I attended the FINAL FANTASY VII- A Symphonic Reunion’s debut performance, and I came away with mixed feelings about the performance before E3 2019.
REVIEW: YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
An interesting but flawed experience
REVIEW: Just Shapes and Beats: Hardcore Edition
The title perfectly describes the game, really.
(18+) REVIEW: Seinarukana -The Spirit of Eternity Sword 2
Seinarukana is one huge visual novel / RPG hybrid!
REVIEW: Persona Q2
If you want to send out your system with a bang, bring in the Phantom Thieves.
REVIEW: The Swords of Ditto: Mormo’s Curse
A game where toys CAN and WILL hurt you.
REVIEW: Lilycle Rainbow Stage!!!
I heard you like girls being paired with other girls. So I wrote a review on a game that has 15 girls in love with other girls.
IMPRESSIONS: Granblue Fantasy Versus Closed Beta
The closed online beta has come and gone. How is the game looking so far?