Amnesia: The dark descent is a terrifying game, and a great example of what many other horror games fail to accomplish.
REVIEW: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
How does The Legend of Zelda fare in its foray into motion controls? Does it soar Skyward or impale itself on the Sword?
REVIEW: Tales of the Abyss 3D
Does Tales of the Abyss 3D live up to the original?
Games of the Past REVIEW: Ever17: The Out of Infinity
A review of Ever17: The Out of Infinity, a visual novel for the PC originally released in 2005.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Odin Sphere
A review of Odin Sphere, a game for the PS2 developed by Vanillaware.
REVIEW: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors reviewed for Nintendo DS.
REVIEW: Kid Icarus: Uprising
Kid Icarus: Uprising is a unique and satisfying adventure offering loads of content.
PREVIEW: The Last Story
A preview of The Last Story: Is it worth your time?
REVIEW: Pandora’s Tower (PAL)
An Oprainfall Staff Review of Pandora’s Tower
Games of the Past REVIEW: Okami
A review of Okami
Games of the Past REVIEW: Ar tonelico 2: The Melody of Metafalica
ar tonelico 2 review
REVIEW: Sin and Punishment – Star Successor
Nintendo has often been accused of alienating the “core gamer” demographic with the Wii. Truth is, the Wii has many games that rival those of the other two seventh-generation consoles. One simply has to find them. However, while “core” third-party experiences are a dime a dozen on the console, frequent game droughts have become a […]
‘I’ll Launch You Skyward!’ A Preview of Dragon’s Dogma
Until recently, Dragon’s Dogma had only been a blip on my gaming radar. I’ve seen a screenshot here, a mention there, but it seemed to me like just another generic, medieval-type game; a ‘Skyrim Wannabe,‘ even. In fact, I considered it to be another one of those ‘Japanese developers trying to be American again’ kind […]
TRAILER – Four epic adventures available only on Wii
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower… four epic adventures available only on Wii.
83 Things to Know About Xenoblade Chronicles
83 tidbits of information about Xenoblade Chronicles