This is happens when Team Fortress 2 meets Pokemon.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: The Oculus Rift
This VR hardware is super cool!
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Black Annex
Who thought sabotaging other companies could be so fun?
REVIEW: Mystic Chronicles
When I first heard Natsume was bringing Mystic Chronicles to the PSP, I was pretty excited. These old school JRPGs from KEMCO seem right up my alley.
REVIEW: Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Bring your reflexes for this pair of classic brawlers. Leave the dice at the door.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Muse, a Free-Roaming Musical Game
It’s a great way to unwind when you’re feeling tired.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Game of Watchcraft
Game of Watch and WoW combined in retro bliss.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: Painters Unite
Take your enemy over… by coating them in paint.
REVIEW: Time and Eternity
Worst game of the year? Nah.
PAX Aus 2013: Hands-On: InFlux; Releasing on GOG Today
InFlux is a great puzzle game by indie studio Impromptu Games. Come and read about it!
Games of the Past REVIEW: Vanguard Princess
Vanguard Princess is a Japanese indie fighting game. Plus, it’s only $5. Is it for you?
REVIEW: Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut
This bizarre cult classic is clear as a crisp spring morning in its Director’s Cut form. Should you check it out?
REVIEW: Freedom Fall
Freedom Fall will soon be dropping on to PCs and mobiles near you, but is it a high flier or does it just fall flat?
REVIEW: Muramasa Rebirth
Muramasa Rebirth is one of the the most gorgeous-looking Vita games ever, but is it any good? Let’s tear into this action-packed title and find out!
Games of the Past REVIEW: Octodad
In the 1950’s, a respectable father and husband is secretly an octopus in disguise. What could possibly go wrong? Let’s find out in Octodad.
REVIEW: Project X Zone
Multiple worlds, tons of heroes, and crazy Japanese chaos. Thank goodness for Project X Zone.
REVIEW: Shin Megami Tensei IV
I set out to put this game to the test, and it tested me instead. Gather your demons and take your stance on life–Shin Megami Tensei IV is coming for you.
REVIEW: Swords & Soldiers 3D
Being a fan of good ole fashioned RTS games, I was pretty stoked at the chance to get my hand on Swords & Soldiers 3D.
REVIEW: The Night of the Rabbit
Beautiful but flawed, this adventure game is for long time fans of the genre only.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Tales of Symphonia
The Nintendo Gamecube had very few RPG’s – but one of them, Tales of Symphonia, went on to become one of the most beloved JRPG’s of all time.