Just in case you needed more pictures to make you wish NA was getting the game.
Japan News
CAMPAIGN HUB: Rocket Company Unleashes First Medarot/Medabots DUAL Gameplay Footage
Rocket Company has released the first footage of this upcoming 3DS action game.
(Japan) God Eater 2 Gets Idolm@ster Costume
Who doesn’t want more Idolm@ster costumes?
(Japan) Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Screenshots
A fun looking game that we are (so far) not getting. Have some pretty pictures anyways.
New Mana Title on the Horizon?
Is the Mana series making a comeback?
Persona Director Teases Fans With Unannounced Titles
The Persona series looks to be continuing.
(Japan) Otomate Special Pack Brings Together Hakuoki and Amnesia Titles
Two popular franchises make their way to the PlayStation Vita.
(Japan) Monster Hunter 4 Charge Axe and Insect Rod Gameplay Video
Gameplay videos show off these two weapons.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster: Music Upgrade, Audio Drama Preview
The remake will feature musical upgrades and an audio drama in English.
(Japan) Index Rehabilitation: Sega, J Trust Seek Holdings Company
Updates on the rehabilitation as well as who the major players are right now.
(Japan) Prepare to Study in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Flash
Characters will have to exercise their brains and their muscles both.
(Japan) Second Exstetra Trailer Revealed
Pucker up!
Little Witch Academia Collector’s Edition and Pre-Order Details
Get your wallet ready.
(Japan) Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 Screenshots
The girls are looking good!
Former PAL Exclusives Coming to Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
Fans around the world have a reason to celebrate.
(Japan) One Piece: Romance Dawn 3DS Port Released With a Few Extras
One Piece: Romance Dawn is an RPG recently released in Japan based on the One Piece anime.
(Japan) Atelier Rorona Remake Receives Release Date
A bonus for early buyers has also been revealed.
(Japan) A Look at New Atelier Rorona: The First Story ~Alchemist of Arland~
A new remake from Gust.
(Japan) Monster Hunter 4: New Trailer Released
Better get those hunting permits soon.
(Japan) Nintendo to Release Two One Piece-Themed 3DS XLs
One for the boys and one for the girls.