A hardcore platformers dream…
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Staff Picks: Top 10 Handheld Games (Nintendo)
Hardcore gaming in the palm of your hand.
Games of the Past REVIEW: Infinite Space
Should you voyage into Platinum Games’ rare DS RPG set in the realms of space?
REVIEW: Mark of the Ninja
oprainfall takes a look at Klei Entertainment’s Mark of the Ninja for Xbox 360.
REVIEW: Jet Set Radio HD
Jet Set Radio has been released with upgraded visuals. Does this version hold up after 12 years?
OPINION: Are You Ready for Next Gen? – Part 1
Well, ARE YOU? Let us know!
Operation Rainfall Origins: Pokemon Blue Version
The first of many grand adventures holds the fondest of memories.
Nintendo Wii U Conference Recap (North America)
ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN! Our destination: Wii-U-topia. Estimated arrival time? November 18th, 2012.
REVIEW: Mutant Mudds on PC
This portable powerhouse makes for a worthy PC port!
REVIEW: Tales of Graces f
Tales of Graces f is making its debut in Europe on August 31st. Is the latest from Namco Bandai worth picking up?
REVIEW: Way of the Samurai 4
What do you mean kicking isn’t in the Samurai Code?!
OPINION: RPGs Aren’t What They Used to Be
The past is meant to be preserved, not copied or abandoned.
REVIEW: Deponia
Schadenfreude: the act of playing this game and expecting it to be good.
The World Ends With You iOS Port Announced
It’s official; TWEWY is getting an iOS port!
Games of the Past REVIEW: Super Mario Galaxy
Mario’s first outing on the Wii is a stellar adventure in every sense of the word.
From Ys to Ivy the Kiwi?, XSEED Games has your niche itch covered!
REVIEW: Symphony – Liberate Your Music
A cross between an old school Shmup and a new age Rhythm Game.
REVIEW: Legasista
Legasista is a dungeon-crawling good time!
Operation Rainfall Origins: Persona 3 FES
The Journey of Persona 3 FES yields love and life-changing moments.
UPDATE: Amazon Pre-Order Page for Hyrule Historia
Amazon pre-order link within! They’re offering a 26% discount. What are you waiting for?!