This time-traveling JRPG won’t turn your iPhone into a TARDIS or a DeLorean, but you’ll still have plenty of timey-wimey fun.
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Darkstalkers Resurrection Character Profiles
Capcom has released two new character profiles for Darkstalkers Resurrection, including videos showcasing the characters.
Last Exile: ~Fam The Silver Wing Voice Actors Revealed
Along with a reveal of the voice cast for an English dub, the show’s release format was revealed as well.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Amazon Pre-Order Deal
Amazon is offering a pre-order deal for people who pre-order Monster Hunter 3U on both the Wii U and the 3DS. Money saving details inside.
EDITORIAL: An Examination of Story and Character in Tellius
Time for a good old-fashioned lesson in some Fire Emblem history!
SCATTERED SHOWERS: Awesome Video Game Intros
Do you watch or skip?
Aksys Games Announces a New Visual Novel: Sweet Fuse: At Your Side
More otome games? Sign me up!
RUMOR: New PlayStation Controller Leaked?
Let the speculation commence!
STAFF PICKS: Top 6 Unrequited Loves in Video Games
Get yer hankie’s ready. This one’s a tearjerker.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Bundles Announced for Europe
Which bundle will you pick?
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team Announced
With Dream Team, the Mario & Luigi series finds yet another interesting new concept for its game world: the land of Luigi’s dreams.
Fire Emblem: Awakening Gets a Date With Europe and an Exclusive Bundle
Europe, are you ready to fight for your friends?
February 14th Nintendo Direct: Year of Luigi and Animal Crossing Date
Covering these Nintendo Directs is surely a labor of love.
Pandora’s Tower Valentine ECards from Nintendo of Europe
I didn’t have the guts to tell you….I do now
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Cryamore and Power Up
Check out the Kickstarter campaigns for Cryamore and Power Up.
An Update on The Last Guardian from Fumito Ueda
It still exists!
RUMOR: Ubisoft Multi-Plats Wii U Bound
Good news for the Wii U? We can hope.
Pick up Fragile Dreams For $20 from XSEED’s Store
Pick up this overlooked gem for 20 bucks!
Anime of the Past: Ayane’s High Kick
Ayane’s High Kick isn’t a knock out, but it packs a punch. (Er, kick. You know what I mean.)
UPDATE: Class of Heroes 2 Physical Copy Needs Your Help
Class of Heroes 2 is really close to getting a physical copy released.