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Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Coming to PSN
The PSOne classic Persona 2: Eternal Punishment is headed to the PSN this week!
RUMOR: Atelier Totori Plus to be Published in the West by Tecmo Koei
More Japanese goodness.
REVIEW: Oozi Earth Adventure
Ever wanted to play a 2D platformer as a little yellow alien in his boxer shorts discovering the planet Earth for the first time? No? Well who knows, you just might like it.
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX Coming To Western Regions This Fall
It was bound to happen, but so nice to hear none the less.
Demon Gaze’s Lead Developer Answers Some Questions
Motoya Ataka, developer behind Demon Gaze, answers some questions.
Mighty Switch Force is Getting a Sequel, HD Edition Half-Off
Jumping into an eShop near you!
REVIEW: Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2
Is Ken’s Rage 2 a great way to celebrate Fist of the North Star’s 30th Anniversary? Find out inside!
PUBLISHER SPOTLIGHT: UTV Ignition Entertainment
Bringing us great games for a decade now!
Sword Art Online English Dub Confirmed By Aniplex USA
Sword Art Online and Fate/Zero both get English Dubs and are to be showed off at this year’s Sakura-Con.
Kojima Praises Platinum Games, Wants to Collaborate Again
Kojima praises Platinum Games, wants to collaborate again for another Metal Gear Rising.
Dusty Raging Fist Coming to Wii U This Year
A new beat-em-up adventure is coming to the Wii U later this year.
NISA Releases Time and Eternity Trailer
Check out this exciting announcement trailer for Time and Eternity!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 8
Sit back, relax, and enjoy a lengthy discussion about Fire Emblem: Awakening, Ni No Kuni, and more!
Guided Fate Paradox to be Published by NISA
And NISA surprises us with this wonderful announcement!
NIS America Press Event Recap: Toki to Towa, Disgaea
This is why everybody loves NISA!
PSN Games and PS3 Save Data will Not Transfer to PS4
PS4 not 100% backwards compatible with PS3.
SPECIAL FEATURE- Shinkara Review: Jade Cocoon
Ni No Kuni wasn’t the only game Studio Ghibli worked on!
Sony Not Cutting Vita Price Outside Japan
Sony decides not to reduce the price of the Vita internationally because of reasons.