A closer look at The Art of Video Games
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
E3: OPINION: Nintendo’s E3 2012 Press Conference Review
Where did it all go wrong?
Wii U at E3: An Asymmetric Identity
Could asymmetric gameplay be the next co-op?
Top 5 All-Time Worst Nintendo E3 Moments
Nintendo E3 Moments From Hell! Which hellish moments have made our Top 5?
OPINION: “Golden” Games Should Stay in the Dark
On Golden Sun, The Lost Age, and the third game that should never have been.
PICKS: Our Top 10 GameCube Games
Which games will make our Top 10?
Operation Rainfall E3 Predictions
How right or wrong will we be? What are your predictions?
PICKS: Favorite Quotes from Xenoblade Chronicles
“Born into a world of strife! Against the odds, we choose, to fight! Blossom Dance!”
Of Legends and Relics: Discussing RPGS of the Past and Remakes
Can a remake compete with our memories of the original?
Retro-Spec: Final Fantasy VII
A look back at the game that helped raise the JRPG genre.
Golden Visions: On Xenoblade and Nostalgia
Is Xenoblade Chronicles a new paradigm for the RPG genre?
More Useful Tips While Playing Xenoblade Chronicles
Have you beaten the game yet?
This newcomer to America has published several notable titles in Europe, including No More Heroes, Muramasa, Fragile Dreams, and Harvest Moon.
Pandora’s Tower: Saving the World of One
Many games task players with saving the world of many. Pandora’s Tower wants to save the world of one.
OPINION: Why Pandora’s Tower matters part 3
Why Pandora’s Tower Matters Part 3
Use the entire review scale please!
All too often I see gamers react to a 7 out of 10 for being a “bad” score. As if for some reason the only possible scores a game can get are 7 through 10. This is absolutely wrong and it needs to stop. I’m here to enlighten you on how exactly each popular review scale […]
Man on Fire: Addressing Nintendo’s Concerns for Fire Emblem: Awakening
I don’t know what it is about the Strategy genre. Something about grids and weapon triangles and controlling anything from a small squad to an entire army just…gets to me. The various staples of the genre have varying degrees of quality in my opinion, so I can’t exactly call it my preferred genre… but games […]
Don’t Judge a Game by its Console
We gamers develop certain views of companies based on their actions. So it is no surprise that “core” gamers do not see the Wii in the greatest of light. It has lots of causal games on it and very few adult titles, sure. But just because the Wii’s library is the way that it […]
OPINION: Why Pandora’s Tower Matters Part 2
UPDATE: Pandora’s Tower has been announced for North America, published by XSEED Games, and scheduled to be released Spring 2013! Pandora’s Tower was released in Europe on Friday, the 13th of April, 2012. The game has yet to be confirmed for a North American release. Of the three games Operation Rainfall is campaigning for, Pandora’s […]
25 Useful Tips While Playing Xenoblade Chronicles
Here are 25 Tips I learned while playing the game.