The Journey of Persona 3 FES yields love and life-changing moments.
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
Staff Picks: Top 10 PlayStation 2 Games
Another Top 10 list! This time, for the PS2.
Operation Rainfall Origins: Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VI will always be held dear to this editor.
Operation Rainfall Origins: Link’s Awakening
Deep, Flawed, and Interesting Fire Emblem Characters: Blazing Sword
Two staff members discuss some of their favorite characters of Blazing Sword and why they are so interesting.
Final Fantasy Radio Founder Passes On
Final Fantasy Radio won’t be the same without the man who founded it, but listeners will continue on for the love of JRPG music.
A look at Sword Art Online
Operation Rainfall takes a look at this new MMO-based anime.
OPINION: Why I Love / Hate the Nintendo 3DS
A roller-coaster of emotions, featuring glasses-free 3D!
The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy
Dark Horse Presents 780 Pages of Final Fantasy Artwork!
Operation Rainfall Going to Computer Games Boot Camp!
Proof that Operation Rainfall is world-wide!
PICKS: Top 10 PlayStation (PS1) Games
Its a JRPG love-fest!
Editorial: Nobuo Uematsu Guides Us to Distant Worlds
Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu takes us to the distant worlds of video games.
Niche Gaming Spotlight: An Editor’s Picks
An Operation Rainfall editor chooses his three favorite (current-gen) niche titles.
The Zelda Symphony: A Godlike Experience
Thoughts on Nintendo and Jason Michael Paul Productions’ concert series
The Downpour Podcast Episode 2
We finally sit down and talk about E3
EDITORIAL: Psychoanalyzing the Ending of Majora’s Mask. Is this Zelda’s take on Silent Hill?
What is the fierce deities mask? What is Majora? Here is my opinion on the subject.
Localization Community Spotlight: Operation Zero
Some say Crimson Butterfly is the scariest video game ever made
Staff Picks: Top 10 VGM – Xenoblade Chronicles
Join us on our musical adventure.
PICKS: Top 10 Games of E3 2012
And the winners are…
Operation Rainfall Interview: Creators of Boot Hill Heroes
An exclusive interview with the minds behind Boot Hill Heroes, an upcoming classic-styled RPG.