They finally listened!
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 12
Among the usual video game and anime talk, the important difference between the chicken and the chocobo….
Operation Rainfall Origins : Demon’s Crest
All it took to open my eyes was a demon named Firebrand…
Foreign Wrap-Up: The Games You Should Import Edition
This week’s Foreign Wrap-Up honors some Japanese RPGs that still remain Japan-exclusive
Aku no Hana and Rotoscoping
We discuss Aku no Hana, as well as rotoscoping as an animation tool.
Pricefall: Finding Deals for Kingdom Hearts 3D, Scribblenauts, and Other Niche Games
Also price tracking Suikoden 2, Duck Tales, the Wii U and more
STAFF PICKS: Top 10 Swords in Video Games
We look at the swords that make us squee like little school girls.
oprainfall at the Pixel Arcade
It’s always good news when a new gaming event opens up!
Building Character: Luigi
This installment of Building Character takes a closer look at Luigi from Luigi’s Mansion.
INTERVIEW: Ryan V., Lead Designer of Citizens of Earth
Information about Citizens of Earth, straight from the source.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 11
A deluge of news, games and anime discussed this week. Bravely Default, Studio Ghibli, and more!
Retro Wrap-Up: Pokemon Edition 2 – Electric Boogaloo
A new Mewtwo form? That gives me the perfect excuse to show you more Pokemon commercials!
Pricefall: Finding Deals for Niche Games
Also price-tracking Fire Emblem, Metal Gear Rising, Xenoblade Chronicles, and retro games.
Atelier Ayesha – Synthesize Like a True Alchemist
The synthesis in Atelier Ayesha can seem daunting and rather confusing at first. Read on to synthesize like a true alchemist!
An interview regarding localization hardships and more!
Happy April Fools Day!
APRIL FOOLS 2013! Operation Rainfall Origins: Saint
Experience the true Journey to the West.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Torment: Tides of Numenera and Telepath Tactics
It’s a week of second chances and second times around.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 10
Jonathan and Jared sit down to discuss the highlights of PAX East
OPINION: Help Convince SEGA to Bring Yakuza 5 to the West
Please, SEGA, hear out the fans!