Cloudburst video game club, its like a book club for games and gamers
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 16
Between talk of the present, games of the past, and predictions for the future—this week’s show offers quite a bit.
Foreign Wrap-Up: The LUNAR Edition
Mega-Magic Foreign Wrap-Up!
POLL: If You Could Pick One Game To Be Localized, Reader Picks
These games have seen some recent discussion from publishers or are popular favorites. Which do you want most?
READER’S PICK: Vote for the Best Wii Games
The power is in your hands.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 15
It’s all about retro gaming in this week’s Downpour Podcast. These are our stories—what’s yours?
Building Character: Neptune
Hey folks, Steve here! I have taken over Crystal and Rose’s Building Character this week to bring you one of my personal favorite characters from Hyperdimension Neptunia.
Retro Wrap-Up: Soulcalibur II Edition
Plus, we’ll throw in Freddy Kreuger for no good reason!
Pricefall: Finding Deals for Okamiden, Dead or Alive 5, and Other Niche Games
Plus deals for the 3DS and price-tracking Harvest Moon, Breath of Fire III, and more.
EDITORIAL: Moon Prism Power! Petition for a New Sailor Moon Game
With the recent revival of Sailor Moon, many fans are wanting a new video game. Currently there is a petition trying to make it happen.
Crystal’s Corner: Graphics From All Angles
What will the future hold?
POLL RESULTS: The Next Final Fantasy HD Upgrade
This had our biggest response for a poll to-date.
MOSAIC: 3 – On Generations and “Timeless” Games
Fans of the 1990s are sure to find relevance here.
JEFF’S MUSINGS: Year of the 3DS, So Far…
I made a prediction that this would be the Year of the 3DS. Let’s see how that’s holding up…
Character Battle II: Sonic the Hedgehog VS Mega Man
Blur and Bomber collide!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 14 – Interview With Ackk Studios
We have something special for you this week. Hope you enjoy!
PUBLISHER SPOTLIGHT: GungHo Online Entertainment America (GOEA)
With a boss like Jun Iwasaki, GungHo is going to go far!
OPINION: Mega Man 4 — Retro Masterpiece or Beginning of the End?
Mega Man 2 is the best? I don’t think so…
Building Character: Raven
Raven from Tales of Vesperia – a hero for the masses.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 13
The recent Nintendo Direct, Pandora’s Tower, and tons more discussed within!