These guys are probably the biggest anime distributors in Australia and New Zealand!
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 26
LAI, EarthBound, casual gaming, and ALL the kinds of gameplay in between. Expect a jam-packed show!
INTERVIEW: Lisa Rye, Creator of Freedom Fall
Come in and see the delightful mind of Australian developer Lisa Rye!
Crowdfunding Recap: July 17th, 2013
A look back at the campaigns for A Hat in Time, Soul Saga, and more.
Vote-to-Localize SEGA and Konami Poll is Live — We Need Your Votes!
We Need Your Votes Now!
Building Character: Cyrus Addington
Building Character focuses this week on Cyrus Addington from the amazing visual novel Dysfunctional Systems.
INTERVIEW: John Rhee, Creator of Liege
We recently had the opportunity to speak with John Rhee, creator of the upcoming indie tactical RPG Liege.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 25
All your burning questions answered—and all of Jonathan’s words eaten—in this high-pressure high-definition episode.
CAMPAIGN HUB: Localization Campaign Section Renewed, Let’s Target Ghostlight!
We’re now pushing for Ghostlight to release Medarot 7 in the west!
JEFF’S MUSINGS: Before I Rant About Sonic the Hedgehog…
I want to talk about it, but I have a question for you.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 24
Talking about story, so expect a lot of RPG talk. From Final Fantasy to Mass Effect to Wild Arms, we’ve got them all covered.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Liege
Liege is an upcoming strategy-RPG, handcrafted by John Rhee of Coda Games.
VIDEO: oprainfall Presentation at Computer Games Boot Camp!
What is CGBC? Come here to find out!
Building Character: Naoto Shirogane
For this installment of Building Character, we’ll take a look at the Detective Prince from Persona 4.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 23
Technical difficulties, technical fighting games, and technological warfare in a game starring Miles “Tails” Prower!
Operation Rainfall Origins: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga
Flesh eating zebras, a human/jet hybrid, and a singing girl… wait, what?
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Harvest
A futuristic adventure inspired by the classic game Snatcher.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Aeterno Blade
Want to see a game like Castlevania, Muramasa, Braid, and Prince of Persia? Check out AeternoBlade!
The Downpour Podcast “Lost” Episodes
Come listen to Episodes 21 & 22—and read on for a special announcement about Episode 23!
OPINION: The Search for Gaming’s Citizen Kane is Folly
Trying to legitimize video games as art by christening every game under the sun as the Citizen Kane of Video Games needs to stop.