Winner winner chicken dinner?
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Strategy
Presenting a brand new awards category!
2018 oprainfall Awards: Visual Novels
Visual Novels finally get the spotlight
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Story
Which story hit us hardest?
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Design
An award based entirely around personal preference
My Roommate is a Cat: Pets and the power of love
Cats are man’s real best friend.
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Multiplatform Game
Who can survive the battle of consoles?
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Music
Play that funky music!
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Hero
I’m secretly rooting for Kirby
Anime of the Past: Urusei Yatsura
By the end of the series, you’ll be screaming “Darling no baka!” in your sleep.
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Music Game
Teddie is ready to boogie!
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best RPG
Who will survive the final boss?
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Fighting Game
2018 was exceptional for fighting games, but which one takes the final title?
2018 oprainfall Awards: Hottest Guy
Ice cold competition
2018 oprainfall Awards: Best Heroine
Who says women can’t be heroic?
Corrupted Save Podcast Episode 22: Insert Funny Title Here
Please don’t throw boiling water at your friends
INTERVIEW: Heart of the Woods
I ain’t afraid of no ghost.
I visited the KINGDOM HEARTS III pop-up store in Disney Springs to play the demo, see the keyblade models, take photos, and more.
I interview Kei Hozumi, the scriptwriter for Loca-Love: My Cute Roommate, about the story, how he balances the sexual and non-sexual content, and more.