Final Fantasy XIV receives a complete makeover and is now called “A Realm Reborn”
All things Microsoft XBox
Games of the Past REVIEW: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
An editor takes a stab at reviewing one of the big HD JRPG releases for this generation.
Final Fantasy XIII: More to be Revealed Soon
Square Enix to announce further developments on the Final Fantasy XIII Project.
PREVIEW: Dust: An Elysian Tail
Retro gaming lives on with Dust: An Elysian Tail, and it sure does look beautiful.
New Persona 4 Arena Trailer
Heaven or Hell Duel 1! Let’s rock!
Sonic Adventure 2 HD Remake Coming Soon For PSN/XBLA
Sega fans have yet another HD remake to experience!
Borderlands 2 Campaign is 58 Hours Long
58 hours of Borderland goodness!
REVIEW: Rayman Origins
Rayman Origins is one of the wackiest, craziest platformers you will ever play.
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike Available Now
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike is available in stores!
Tales Producer Announces Remakes, Talks Localization
Hideo Baba sure has been making waves lately.
Persona 4 Arena Region Locked, Global Servers
Persona 4: Arena will be region locked but will allow for global battles
NiGHTS HD Remake coming to Live, PSN, and Steam
Another Sega classic gets the HD touch.
Sega Closing European Offices and Focusing on AAA Franchises
SEGA explains how it’s going to “streamline” itself.
Niche Gaming Spotlight: An Editor’s Picks
An Operation Rainfall editor chooses his three favorite (current-gen) niche titles.
Operation Rainfall Interview: Pwnee Studios (Cloudberry Kingdom)
Oprainfall interviews Pwnee Studios about Cloudberry Kingdom.
REVIEW: Lollipop Chainsaw
Does this game take me by the heart when the controller’s in my hand?
The Downpour Podcast Episode 2
We finally sit down and talk about E3
Anarchy Reigns Delayed to Q1 2013
Anarchy Reigns has been hit with another…if you live outside of Japan, anyway.
Crytek CEO Starts Campaign to Save TimeSplitters 4
Crytek employees start campaign to save TimeSplitters 4.
New Game Announcements Coming from XSEED
Which games do you think are heading westbound?