The truths of that stick are going to have to wait.
All things Microsoft XBox
Platinum Games Talks of Bayonetta, Clover Studio, and Wonderful 101
Has it been five years already since Platinum Games opened its doors?
Change of Clothes Coming to Dead or Alive 5
Get your characters ready for school and gym class in Dead or Alive 5.
Working on Eternal Darkness 2 Put Silicon Knights on the Ropes
It’s sad to see the developer of Eternal Darkness fall so hard.
Two Brothers Announced for WiiU eShop Next Year
Akk Studios has revealed a new game for the WiiU eShop called ‘Two Brothers.’
REVIEW: Resident Evil 6
It’s been three years since the previous title in the Resident Evil franchise. Does the newest chapter in survival horror stand up to the test?
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Available on XBLA
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus is now on Xbox Live Arcade.
Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition Release Date for the UK
Be ready to experience all the added bonuses in the UK release of Under Defeat HD Deluxe Edition.
ANARCHY REIGNS (Platinum Games) Western Release Date Announced
The spiritual successor to MadWorld will release on XBOX360 and PS3 next year.
SEGA’s MODEL2 Collection Revealed
Five MODEL2 games to be re-released on PSN and XBLA!
October 17th Weekly Game Sales!
More sales!
Media Create Weekly Software Sales October 8-14
Bravely Default and Project X Zone sell like hotcakes in Japan.
NYCC Panel with Hideo Baba and Hiroshi Matsuyama
Hideo Baba and Hiroshi Matsuyama talk about Tales of Xillia, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 and the trouble and joy of westernizing Japanese games.
Boot Hill Heroes Delayed to Early 2013
It’s only a few months away now.
Foreign Wrap-Up: Viewtiful Joe Edition
Henshin a Go-Go, baby!
Press Release: Retro City Rampage Details & Launch Trailer
Nostalgia doesn’t begin to explain all these emotions.
REVIEW: Sonic Adventure 2 HD
Wishes are eternal. But is gameplay eternal as well?
Abridged Jet Set Radio Soundtracks Released on iTunes Store
Soundtracks for Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future are out on various regional iTunes Stores.
Press Release: Carrier Command Gaea Mission Available Now
The creators of ARMA are back with FPS/RTS hybrid Carrier Command: Gaea Mission. Available now!