The original Final Fantasy XIII crew looks to be making a reunion.
All things Microsoft XBox
(Japan) New Monster Hunter Frontier G Gameplay Trailer
Please, please give us this game, Capcom!
PRESS RELEASE: Watch Dogs Delayed
Fans must now wait until Spring 2014 to play Watch Dogs.
PRESS RELEASE: Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate Halloween Treats
New costumes are available for purchase in addition to the free stage being offered for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.
D23 2013: Kingdom Hearts III Gameplay Trailer
Finally some more news about Kingdom Hearts III!
More Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Gameplay
Lightning shows that she has a soft spot for Chocobos.
(Australia) New Entry For Enslaved Appears On Australian Ratings Board
Time to brush up on my Chinese literature.
GameStop to Start Accepting Xbox One Pre-Orders Soon
Time to pre-order an Xbox One?
Borderlands 2 GOTY Available Today
New playable characters and modes are available in the GOTY edition of Borderlands 2.
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 Release Date
Which system will you be playing The Wolf Among Us on?
Constant C Coming to Xbox LIVE
Defy time and gravity to save the universe.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Kickstarter Ends, Raises $800,000 USD
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero raised over $800,000 in 30 days. See what that means for the game.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut Release Date Revealed
Adam Jensen returns sooner than you think.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Gets Bonus Chapter, New Exclusive Costumes
With fewer than two days left, we’re seeing bonus chapters and cool content.
Mighty No. 9 Ends Crowdfunding With $4 Million USD Raised
Mighty No. 9 has finished its Kickstarter campaign, raising over $4 million USD for the game. Check out what you can expect at release.
River City Ransom: Underground in Final Stretch
River City Ransom: Underground has just over a week left on Kickstarter, and new console stretch goals have been announced.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Risky Mode Funded
After an uphill battle, Risky Boots is now playable. How many more stretch goals can we see completed in four days?
Mighty No. 9 Gets Online Co-op, 3DS/Vita Stretch Goal
Keiji Inafune’s Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter cannot be stopped! Online co-op is confirmed, and a new 3DS/Vita stretch goal has been announced.
REVIEW: Killer is Dead
Not a title for everyone’s taste and even rough around the edges, but a gem worth noting.
Final Fantasy XIV and Lightning Returns Crossover Reveal
It seems Lightning is capable of jumping through multiple dimensions