Some new features coming for the next-gen versions.
All things Microsoft XBox
Amazon Reveals Top 10 Video Games of 2013
Did your favorite game of the year make the list?
Alien: Isolation Revealed
One Xenomorph is all a game needs really.
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Gets No Upgrade Discount
No savings for you!
GameStop: Wii U Skylanders Bundle and Xbox 360 Bundle Sale
Controllers, games and headsets are also available at a discounted price.
Amazon Sale on Xbox One Games: Ryse and Forza 5
Ryse: Son of Rome and Forza Motorsport 5 are 33% off with free shipping!
REVIEW: Scourge: Outbreak
Does this budget-priced shooter rise above mediocrity?
Devil’s Third is Almost Complete
Devil’s Third is almost done and will be out next year.
New Keyblade Transformation in Kingdom Hearts III
Nomura has teased about having more transformations for the Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts III.
Xbox Rings In New Year With New Games With Gold
Happy New Year from Microsoft.
Huge Holiday Sale on Square Enix Online Store
A great way to knock out some holiday shopping!
Marvel vs. Capcom Games Leaving Digital Stores
Get them while you can.
Mighty No. 9’s Beck an Unlockable Costume in Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z
What is it with zombies and robots, anyways?
Fable Anniversary Release Date Announced
Includes launch day exclusive lute!
(Japan) Devil May Cry Characters Coming to Monster Hunter Frontier G
Old-school Devil May Cry, too!
REVIEW: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Edward Kenway takes the old pirate vs. ninja debate and says “both, ye lubber!”
Aksys Games Posts Holiday Digital Deals
It’s time to beef up your Aksys collection.
Square Enix Holds Thanksgiving Sale
A fantastic sale from Square Enix!
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Will Have Japanese Audio as DLC
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will have the Japanese voice-overs as DLC.
Soul Calibur II HD Online Available For Download
Celebrate the Soul Calibur 10 year anniversary with Soul Calibur II HD Online.