Anybody surprised?
Playstation 4 News, Reviews, Previews, and More
South Park RPG Delayed Until 2013
Screw you guys….I’m going home!
Japan Getting a Re-release of Ni No Kuni
It seems Japan gets all the good stuff. In a recent announcement, Level-5 stated it will be readying a budget release of the PS3 version of Ni No Kuni in Japan, which includes all the DLC you could previously purchase on the Playstation Network. Included is a new difficulty mode (Easy Mode), and new Imagine creatures from GREE’s […]
Sony Promises 20 New Titles at E3
Sony is debuting 20 titles at E3 this year.
Dragon’s Dogma Developer Diaries Posted By Capcom
On May 2nd, Capcom released two Dragon’s Dogma Developer’s Diaries. The videos are full of insights into the development and features of Dragon’s Dogma. The game is shaping up to be a promising adventure. Here’s hoping that Capcom follows through with the experience. If you have not yet read our preview of Dragon’s Dogma, you […]
‘I’ll Launch You Skyward!’ A Preview of Dragon’s Dogma
Until recently, Dragon’s Dogma had only been a blip on my gaming radar. I’ve seen a screenshot here, a mention there, but it seemed to me like just another generic, medieval-type game; a ‘Skyrim Wannabe,‘ even. In fact, I considered it to be another one of those ‘Japanese developers trying to be American again’ kind […]
Atlus Taking the Helm of Publishing Duties for Dragon’s Crown
Is Atlus flying in to save the day again? You probably remember the company UTV Ignition Entertainment (Ignition) as the company that was originally going to fund Dragon’s Crown as its publisher, but as you now see, due to unknown circumstances things have changed. Surprising news last Thursday, Atlus has acquired the publishing & localization rights from […]
Ni No Kuni Western Release will have added Content
While the release date for North America was pushed back with the PAL region release date, early 2013. The wait however for both with was announced, may be worth it. Our pals at Siliconera talked with Akihiro Hino, president and CEO of Level-5. The question asked was about downloadable content, he said this: “In terms of the DLC, regardless […]
Ni no Kuni
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is an adventure game from Professor Layton creators Level 5 and the anime company Studio Ghibli. It is set to be released for the PS3 in North America for Q1 2013, and by the end of March 2013 in Europe. It has been confirmed to be including both English […]
New DLC Available Today For Final Fantasy XIII-2
FFXIII-2 never looked so good
Risen 2: Deep Waters
April 5, 2012- Prepare yourselves for a new Pirate RPG titled Risen 2: Deep Waters from Deep Silver and Square Enix which will be released on May 22, 2012 for PC, Xbox360, and PS3. The story centers around Caldera, a city located on the peninsula of the Lost Realm which takes part several years after […]
NISA is giving PS3 owners three RPGs!
Three JRPGs for PS3 owners!
OPINION: NISA and Mugen Souls Censorship Blues
Censorship in Mugen Souls…
OPINION: Where Does Silent Hill Go From Here?
With all the talk of Silent Hill HD collection, the reception has been less then stellar…
Capcom Breaking Their Own Street Date for Devil May Cry HD
Yesterday it was reported on many forums that Gamestop was selling the Devil May Cry HD Collection early.
Tales of Xillia Has Been Trademarked for the US
UPDATE: Namco Bandai has trademarked Tales of Xillia for the US as well as Europe.
Drugs, Sex, and Strawberry Lollipops
Zombie games are a dime in a dozen nowadays. It seems like everywhere you look another game with zombies appears. With so many games out there, how do you distinguish one from the other? The answer is pretty easy actually, just add the demented mind of Suda 51 and a cheerleader whose favorite food is […]