Reports say that the game will remain multiplatform.
PC News, Reviews, Previews, and More
REVIEW: Terrian Saga: KR-17
Looking for a portal back to the early 90’s, all wrapped up in video game form? Terrian Saga: KR-17 attempts to be just that. Is it the next Mega Man?
Pathologic Remake Kickstarter Has Been Launched
Ice Pick Lodge hopes to make Pathologic a more accessible and enjoyable game through this remake.
PAX Prime 2014: Seattle Indies Expo Highlights
Indie = Amazing
Taking a look back at my favorite Sims game!
Hatoful Boyfriend Releasing on Steam, GOG, and Humble
Hatoful Boyfriend, the world renowned pigeon dating simulator finally comes to Steam, GoG, and Humble.
Mind Zero Now on Steam Greenlight
Mind Zero is now available for voting on Steam’s Greenlight!
PAX Prime 2014 Impressions: Extreme Exorcism
I ain’t afraid of no ghost.
PAX Prime 2014: StarCrawlers
Space is a dangerous and robust place…
Sega Says Phantasy Star Online 2 Western Release is Happening
It’s apparently just “still delayed,” that’s all.
PAX Prime 2014: Reassembly Interview
Limitless options, tons of fun
PAX Prime 2014: Behemoth Game 4 Impressions
Bear blood changes everything
PAX Prime 2014 Impressions: Habitat
In space, nobody can hear you build.
PAX Prime 2014 Impressions: Boogio
Time to Boogio on down.
PAX Prime 2014: Interview with Tic Toc Games
Pip is a blast to play!
IMPRESSIONS: Hive Jump (PAX Build)
Less than four days until the kickstarter ends.
Costume Quest 2 Available for Pre-Order on Steam
The Sequel to Double Fine’s 2011 trick-or-treat themed RPG has some pretty nice pre-order goodies.
PAX Prime 2014: Interview With Tyrone Rodriguez
A gentleman and lover of games.
PAX Prime 2014 Impressions: Fenix Rage
Only for the hardcore gamers out there.
PAX Prime 2014 Impressions: Dragon Fin Soup
Roguelike fans rejoice!