After a few months delay, the game is almost upon us at last.
Wii U
Nintendo Wii U News, Reviews, Previews, and More
Nintendo Broadcasting Star Fox Zero Animated Short
Have you ever seen Star Fox….. on anime?
Opinion: Final Theories for Legend of Zelda Wii U
We take a look at the map one more time before heading out to Hyrule.
Nendoroid Princess Zelda Out For Pre-Order
Toon Princess Zelda shoots to be yours, soon!
Lost Reavers Enters Open Beta on Wii U
Get ready to fight some critters for treasure on Wii U!
Making It Rainfall Week 14: Underwater Dungeons
Hope Mario can hold his breath…
Watch Keiji Inafune Creator of “Mighty No. 9” Create a “Mario Maker” Level
Not the blue bomber we expected…
Rumor: New Legend of Zelda Will Have Gender Choice
Link a girl!? Maybe.
Splatoon Update 2.7.0 Arrives April 12, Adds New Weapons
The arsenal of everyone’s favorite squid kids is getting even bigger.
Difficulty in Video Games: The Good and the Bad
Difficulty in video games is still a huge design problem, and one that has affected all gamers at some point. It can also be a very polarizing issue.
New Details About Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard
Help is also on hand via the Fox and Falco amiibo.
PR: Möira Reaches Crowdfunding Goal
Onagro studios sent out a press release detailing the success of their color bending, Kirby-like game with extra details to look out for in the future.
PR: The Official Word: SEGA To Publish Atlus Titles in America
Don’t panic. Atlus is here to stay.
Nintendo and Atlus Reveal Shin Mario Tensei
Another unusual crossover from Nintendo.
PR: Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus Out Now on WiiU!
Aksys Games and LookAtMyGame are proud to announce that their game, Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus, is now available for digital download on North American Wii U systems, and Europe getting it next week.
Road Redemption May Not be Coming to Wii U Any Time Soon
“This would have to happen after PS4 and Xbox One versions are complete.”
REVIEW: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Today, let’s take a look at The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD and see how it compares to the original.
Demoniaca Kickstarter Wants to Make Kofvania A Genre
With a bloody good art style and an intriguing mix of Castlevania and King of Fighters, this is a Kickstarter you might want to check out.
Making It Rainfall Week 13: Problematic P-Switches
Get ready to hit and run…
Marin Joins Hyrule Warriors Cast in New DLC
Maybe the Wind Fish’s dream really hasn’t ended.