Jon Hibbins discusses about possibly developing for the Nintendo Switch, porting Crystal Rift to PSVR, and the future of Psytec Games Ltd.
Author: Quentin H.
INTERVIEW: Jon Hibbins on Developing VR Titles and Controllers
Jon Hibbins of Psytech Games discusses VR movement options, developing for various touch controllers, and the difficulties of developing for PlayStation VR.
INTERVIEW: Jon Hibbins on Windlands and it’s Crowdfunding Roots
I talk with Jon Hibbins of Psytec Games Ltd. about Windlands/Move support, about developing for VR, and he teases a multiplayer future.
Dragon*Con 2016: An Interview with Shinji Aramaki
I interview Shinji Aramaki, known as a director (Appleseed/Evangelion) and for mecha designs (Gundam/Transformers/etc), at Dragon*Con 2016.
METROCON 2016: An Interview with Eric Stuart
Eric Stuart talks at MetroCon 2016 about his directing/voice acting career in Pokémon and in Yu-Gi-Oh! and gives his insight into the localization process of anime.
METROCON 2016: An Interview with Robbie Daymond
During MetroCon 2016, oprainfall was able to interview voice actor Robbie Daymond on his many roles in anime, games, cartoons, and the theater.
METROCON 2016: An Interview With Laura Post
Laura Post talks about her career of voicing roles in Love Live!, Kill La Kill, Trillion: God of Destruction, and more at MetroCon 2016 in Tampa, Florida.
E3 Natsume Interview: Skytree Village, Lufia, & More
I talk with Natsume at E3 2016 about upcoming Harvest Moon: Skytree Village, River City: Tokyo Rumble, Wild Guns Reloaded, and of Lufia and Harvest Moon 64.
E3 Hands-On: Flinthook is a Great Throwback to Yore
Flinthook is a procedurally generated throwback indie Xbox One title that places an emphasis on fluid gameplay and shooting to clear rooms and save the galaxy.
E3 Hands-On: Solving Puzzles in The Turing Test
I play a hands on demo of The Turing Test at E3 2016, which has great puzzles but is surprisingly light on storyline content.
E3 Hands-On: Ace Banana is Top Banana for VR
Is Ace Banana poised to be a ‘top banana’ contender for the PlayStation VR when the VR headset is released in fall 2016? I dive into find out.
E3 Hands-On: Is Cuphead great or a Silly Symphony?
Does Cuphead have the potential to be a great game, or is it destined to be another Silly Symphony? I get my hands on the demo at E3 2016 to find out in co-op.
E3 Interview- ‘Happiness is a Choice’ in We Happy Few
I speak with Compulsion Game’s COO/Developer Sam Abbott at E3.
E3 Hands On: We Happy Few Is Doubleplusgood
Does We Happy Few live up to the E3 2016 Microsoft press conference trailer? I get my hands on the demo and find out just how dark and fun it can be.
E3 Impression: Agents of Mayhem Is Zany Fun
Is Agents of Mayhem a worthy successor to the Saints Row franchise?
E3 Hands On: Lego Worlds isn’t your Average Sandbox
I build what I want, where I want it, and how I want it.
E3 Hands On: Is Killing Floor 2’s PS4 Port Good?
Is the PlayStation 4 port of Tripwire Interactive’s Killing Floor 2 any good? I get my hands on a demo at E3 2016 to find out.
E3 Hands On: Is Ghostbusters a Spooky Good Time?
I try out Activision’s upcoming Ghostbusters’ movie tie-in video game, Ghostbusters. Is it a spooky good time on Xbox One? I find out with three other players.
E3 Hands On: Does Loading Human Follow Expectations?
Does the crowdfunded Loading Human: Chapter 1 live up to the hype surrounding the title? I got my hands on the game demo at E3 2016 and found out.
E3 Hands On: Does Dragon Quest Builders Stand Out?
Did the Dragon Quest Builders demo at E3 2016 push the sandbox genre further, or is it a reskinned clone of Mojang’s Minecraft with a heavier focus on storyline?