Evil Ninja’s invading Japan? Our hero making love to save the day? JRPG mechanics!?
Author: William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.
PSN Weekly: Week of 1/18/2016 (North America)
The PSN releases for the week of 1/18/2016, special recognition for several releases of interest to the oprainfall community.
Love Plus Artist Designs Holograph
Love Plus character designer Tarō Minoboshi (formerly Mino☆Tarō) is designing a Gatebox Holographic Communication Robot. The device would complete voice-command tasks.
That Dragon, Cancer Released This Week
What is the game about and how are critics responding to it?