When Microsoft announced that the Xbox One was going to have a 500 GB, non-removable hard drive, all eyes were on Sony to see if they’d match. Sony confirmed today that the PlayStation 4 will work much like the PlayStation 3: although the system comes standard with a 500 GB hard drive, it will work be user replaceable with any SATA compatible hard drive. So if you want to trick out your new console with a state-of-the-art solid state drive, Sony will not be complaining. Given the rapidly decreasing price of data storage, there will probably be few, if any complaints to the policy, even as Sony looks to Gaikai to start their cloud revolution.

Daniel Gulyas
Daniel is a third year business student from Texas who got his start in JRPGs with Final Fantasy 8 and has loved them ever since. His three biggest passions are video games, technology and baseball, with anime being a growing fourth. He occasionally Let's Plays on the side as a hobby.
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