Gonzo, the production company behind the upcoming anime Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou (lovingly known as ‘InuHasa’ or ‘Dog & Scissors’), updated the official website on Friday with the latest promo video, the second one so far. The show, which as of yet does not have a scheduled air date, is about a high school boy named Kazuhito Harumi. A lover of books, Harumi spends most of his time reading. One day, he notices a girl writing in a cafe, about to be shot. He protects her but is killed instead and is reincarnated as a dog. He writhes in agony as a dog who can no longer read books, until a sadistic girl carrying a pair of scissors, Kirihime Natsuno, the same girl whose life he saved in the cafe, offers him help.
Anyway here, check out the promo:
Just an opinion from my first watch of this promo, but the show itself looks like it’s going to be pretty interesting. For those of us who like nonsensical comedies, I expect we’ll be giving Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou a try, whenever it finally airs.