Does anyone else find it worrying that Zone Of The Enders HD collection is just the latest in a long line of HD re-releases of games from a good generation or two ago?

Zone of the Enders HD Collection LogoIf you’ve been on the fence over picking up the HD version of one of Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima’s other claim to fame, you may be in luck. is currently selling the Zone of the Enders HD Collection for $21 USD ($20.89 if you want to be precise).

The offer is valid for both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the collection.

Zone of the Enders HD Collection was released back in October of 2012. It contains remastered versions of 2001’s Zone of the Enders for the PlayStation 2, and 2003’s Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner also for the PS2.

This certainly seems like a pretty good deal. Two games for $21? Great! Do you intend to take advantage of these savings?

Devin Kotani
Devin is a Canadian, and as such, plays hockey (no he doesn’t) and drinks maple syrup (not really) while riding a wild moose (he’s never seen a moose). When he’s not perpetuating cultural stereotypes, he’s playing videogames, which has been, on occasion, very bad for his mental health, problems with which have plagued him for years. Now, at 20, he’s getting his mental health issues under control, and he’s trying to decide what to do with his life. He’s currently debating between journalism and trying his hand at the dramatic arts.