For its 15th anniversary for the original run of the TV series, Aria is about to have a new anime to celebrate. Originally a manga in 2001 by Kozue Amano, it takes place on terraformed Mars in the 24th century. Renamed Aqua, the planet now serves as a habitable world. As a slice of life, it features our protagonist Akari training to become an undine, a gondolier in the city of Neo Venice that acts like a tour guide. Here she befriends many other trainees and experiences the world of Aqua and Neo Venice, previously coming from Earth or Manhome as called in universe. The new work is to come over around Winter.
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『ARIA』完全新作 2020年冬 公開決定!続報は今後公式HP・Twitterにて解禁予定 どうぞお楽しみに! #ARIAカンパニー