DOOM SnapMap | oprainfall

DOOM is getting a plethora of additional content over the next few months. Featured prominently at the Bethesda E3 Conference, DOOM will be getting a lot of free upgrades and content added to its SnapMap mode. For those who are unacquainted, this mode allows you to build and trade multiplayer maps for you and your friends to engage in hellish chaos. There are a lot of new features added, such as skins and levels, but even better are some of the functionality changes such as the ability to use the weapon select wheel from the single player game. They are featured in the new trailer that was released at the conference.

Additionally, Bethesda released new information on the first major DLC pack, DOOM: Unto the Evil. Due out next month, it will consist of three new maps (Offering, Cataclysm, and Ritual) and a brand new demon type, The Harvester. There will be a new gun and equipment items, in addition to some other nice add-ons. Sadly, single player content does not appear to be a part of this DLC, but it still looks to be pretty meaty… and bloody. Check out the trailer:

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William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.