Sony Computer Entertainment announced a brand new PlayStation 4 model for all worldwide markets. New PlayStation 4 consoles will now be lighter and be more energy efficient. Sony states the weight of the consoles will be reduced by 10%. The new model is supposed to cut down energy consumption by 8% and slightly reduce the monthly electric bill. The design of the console remains the same This is good news for those who want an energy efficient console.
From Sony’s Press Release:
Tokyo, June 22, 2015 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that a new PlayStation®4(PS4™) computer entertainment system (body color: Jet Black / Glacier White) will become available towards the end of June, 2015 in Japan, followed by North America / Europe / Asian countries and regions.
The weight of the new PS4 system has been reduced by 10% and the power consumption by 8%, compared to the current PS4 model. In addition, the surface of the new PS4 system’s HDD bay cover will come in a matte finish, giving the system a more casual look. With the new system, users can continue to enjoy unique and interactive entertainment experiences only available on PlayStation®, including the wide array of game titles and strong network offerings.
The PS4 system’s games portfolio will continue to expand with highly anticipated titles from third-party publishers as well as SCE Worldwide Studios such as SENGOKU BASARA4 SUMERAGI (CAPCOM CO., LTD.), METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN (Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.), GOD OF WAR III Remastered, Until Dawn, and The Tomorrow Children.*1
What are your reactions to Sony’s announcement? Does the weight and energy consumption reductions matter to you? Share us your thoughts on Sony’s latest hardware news.