Operation Rainfall Original Logo03/30/13 NOTE: This interview was conducted back when Operation Rainfall was a video campaign. oprainfall is now a website dedicated to niche video game coverage.

Operation Rainfall recently did an interview with Play Nintendo. The interview was between Play Nintendo and Owner/Manager of oprainfall Ryan Tyner.

Some of the topics covered in the interview include background information about oprainfall, some of the challenges those involved with the campaign have faced, and even some games oprainfall will likely never consider campaigning for in the future.

This is definitely an interesting read so check it out!

PR Logo Operation Rainfall Play Nintendo

Ryan Tyner
Ryan is an owner and manager of the oprainfall website, mostly managing changes needed for the website and maintenance. He also writes articles from time-to-time. His gaming interests include mostly RPGs; both Western and Japanese. Ryan has a graduate degree in psychology.