Earlier today, the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) program The Professionals aired a segment with the CEO of The Pokémon Company, Tsunekaz Ishihara. In this segment, he revealed two Pokémon spinoff titles currently in development.
The first is a 3DS sequel to the DS puzzle game Pokémon Trozei! (Pokémon Link! in Europe), with a screenshot from the beta being shown off. Ishihara mentioned that some issues with the 3DS cropped up during development, such as the differing sizes of both screens. He also mentioned this game is currently intended to be a downloadable title. It’s not clear at this time exactly how far along in development the game is.
The other game Ishihara revealed was another 3DS title. This game has you playing as a detective, with Pikachu as your partner. The enemy is supposedly a rare Pikachu that Ishihara “can’t see people liking.” This Pikachu is a blue one that talks and is controlled via facial recognition and motion capture. Ishihara says the development cycle for this game is two years, so they expect it to be released sometime in 2015.
It’s important to keep in mind that both games are in early development and that the final products may have some significant changes. I hope the developers will keep that blue Pikachu idea, at the very least, if only so Pikablu will become a legit thing.