Being sick with allergies and then getting better thanks to medication before diving into GDC week is a lot.
My playtime in Animal Crossing: New Horizons flucuated wildly this week because of all of that. It turns out that covering a full day of industry content or being sick takes up a lot more time than you would think. It’s only the nature of this game, with it only requiring as much or as little as you want to invest in it in any given day, that let me still play daily and feel like I accomplished something.
Here’s to another week.
Also, I don’t know what to make of Pascal’s…’wisdom’. Is cheese really milk that has been allowed to age gracefully? Really? I’m curious to know what other ‘nuggets of wisdom’ he has in store for me in future weeks…
If you missed last week’s entry, you can find it here.
March 12

It turns out that being sick with allergies can really put a damper on your gaming.
Today, I learned the Pleased Reaction from Gayle while we were hanging out on the southern beach! She was…pleased…to teach me it!
I also ran into Gulliver again. Ever since he washed up literally on my doorstep a few weeks ago, I’ve been always suspicious of him. Today, he appeared nearby where me and Gayle were on the beach, and romanticized his relationship with the sea. While I think he MAY be mistaken on his relationship status, I’m not going to be the one to break it to him. Instead, I just collected his five communicator parts and called it a day.
March 13

It was late at night by the time I was able to play, and I found out that Celeste was visiting! I kept an eye out for any shooting stars, but I didn’t see any (to my great disappointment). She did give me a DIY recipe for a Pisces lamp, though! I was pretty excited about that.
Otherwise, I visited Nook’s Cranny, banged on some rocks for money, and dug up some fossils that I ended up selling.
March 14

Pi Day (3/14) is one of my favorite days of the year!
I’ve secretly been ordering Pies from Nook Shopping for the past few days. Today, I collected all my pies and I mailed them out to each of my fellow islanders with a note wishing them a ‘Happy Pi Day!’ Wilbur sold me a bunch of post cards at Dodo Airlines, and I haven’t visited him yet since I started this year-long Animal Crossing: New Horizons series.
I had several pies left over, and so I also sent a note to a real-life friend who also plays! She and I don’t ever get online at the same time unfortunately, and so I haven’t been able to see her island yet for several months.
March 15

It is Saturday, and you know what that means… K.K. Slider is in town and taking requests! This time, me and Tutu hung out while he played Hypno K.K. It was enjoyable, and a bit soothing.
Once that was done, I quit playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the night and went to bed.
March 16

It was an exceptionally blustery day today in the Hundre- er, in Renassia, and I could hear and practically feel the wind rustling by me and through all the trees as the clouds were blown around everywhere overheard. It really sunk in that yes, spring has come to Renassia!
I checked my mailbox this morning, and I saw that my fellow islanders all loved the pies I sent them a couple days ago! I had to include a screenshot of my favorite one for today’s column entry. It makes me happy that even though there isn’t a special celebration for Pi Day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, it doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate it in our own way if we want to.
Gulliver also sent me a second Tower of Pisa…I ended up selling it off. I mean, I don’t need TWO of them, right? I also contributed 70,000 Bells to my blue steel staircase that is being built up on the eastern side of the island.
Finally, Maggie came today to go camping on my island. She was nice to talk to, but I don’t know if she is right as my final islanders. She seemed interested in moving here, but I did turn her down.
I will eventually find someone, right? Right?!…
March 17

I finally did it!
I felt well enough in real life, and so I strapped on a wet suit in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I went out into the ocean!
I found that the boundaries of the island stretch out a decent ways into the water itself, which I honestly didn’t know before. I swam around for awhile, diving down and getting treasures…until I found myself a scallop and a giant beaver named Pascal showed up!
I’ve never met Pascal before, so this was quite the surprise. He offered me what turned out to be a mermaid flooring DIY in exchange for my scallop, which I happily accepted.
Ultimately, I left the sea with a decent bounty of sea creatures…and no idea what to do with them.
March 18

So, it turns out that even though sea creatures aren’t fish, Blathers still wants them for the museum.
I happily turned over the sea cucumber, the seaweed, and the turban shell to him for inclusion in the museum. I have yet to actually go check out much of the museum, despite all of my donations, and so that is something that I should probably soon do.
I also bought vertical curtains from Nook’s Cranny, chopped down a money tree and pocketed the three thousand bells, and built a new shovel after my old one broke.
All in all? A pretty good week!
What did you accomplish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons this week?
Are you at GDC this week?
Let us know in the comments below!