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This New Year’s Resolution, where I am playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons everyday, is easier to keep some days than others. This week, I found myself on one day trying hard to not fall asleep while I was playing, simply because I was so tired. I am also trying to balance it around my OTHER weekly column, a video game-themed cooking column, that takes up a surprising amount of my spare time.

I also struggle to remind myself that Animal Crossing: New Horizons is not a race but instead a journey. There is so much to see and do throughout this year, and I should not be in any rush to push through the story content to the end.

All that said, I do want to see Animal Crossing: New Horizon‘s story and where it all goes.

If you missed last week’s entry, you can check it out here

January 29

Redd selling another painting, this time it is Summer from the by Arcimboldo by Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
Photo by author.

I’ve discovered that I somehow know way too much about art.

This time it is Summer from the Arcimboldo collection by Giuseppe Arcimboldo. I’m over here, spending my time squinting at the art and going “…I think this is real? Did it always have a food thing on the chest?”. In a few days, when I get it (if I ever clean out my mailbox), I will know for sure. I never thought Animal Crossing: New Horizons would make me think hard about art again.

I also paid down more of my bridge and I did a bit of fishing today!

January 30

Celeste gave me a recipe in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Photo by author.

Celeste popped up today!

If you remember my prior weeks, I’ve been wishing on stars as much as I can so I can get some recipes from her. And well, I got one tonight…and it requires an ingredient I don’t have. I need Aquarius fragments, but I only have Capricorn ones instead. I did however get a nice little story about Pan and Zeus from Celeste after I showed her my Capricorn fragments!

I also fished some, turned in a TON of fossils, and did very little else today.

January 31

Learning the disappointment reaction.
Photo by author.

Today, there were exactly two things that happened:

I paid off my Red Zen Bridge!

Annnnd…I learned the Disagreement Reaction!

I got lucky in how I paid off the bridge: I found a money rock, money in the ground, and I dug up and subsequently sold off a BUNCH of fossils that my museum already had. It was just barely enough to pay off the bridge, and so I happily did so. There are places I still want to build bridges at and more slopes to put in.

All of the homes and the town buildings are in the southern half of the map, and it has left the top half an absolute wilderness. I will be working on doing SOMETHING to grow it out while still retaining its ‘natural’ feel in the coming weeks.

February 1

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Celebrating the Red Zen Bridge.
Photo by author.

We celebrated the Red Zen Bridge today! Until now, myself and my islander friends had to use a pole to get across the water to that entire north-western section of the map. It is genuinely nice that I can walk across it. I do need to institute another bridge leading up from my beach house to that section, so I don’t have to take a long way around.

And of course…what better way to celebrate a new bridge being built than by throwing a celebration?!

It is always nice to see everyone at once doing something to help make Renassia better.

February 2

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Isabelle is telling a story.
Photo by author.

I dug up and then sold off some fossils after it turned out the museum already had them. I shook some trees, fished a little but…

Why is Isabelle telling me a story about one of her favorite socks getting lost and then being found behind a washing machine?

I mean, I am glad she is happy! But. STILL.

January 3

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Gulliver fainting outside my home.
Photo by author.

There is no way that Gulliver isn’t doing this for attention.

I boot up Animal Crossing: New Horizons, walk outside my door, and BAM.


Fainted on the beach straight in front of my home. He plays coy, acting like he is lost and dazed and confused. But I know the truth.

There is NO WAY he just happens to faint there, of ALL the available beach space on Renassia.

(Yes, I still helped him out. But I definitely think this was planned by him.)

February 4

CJ gets three yellow perch to make a statute.
Photo by author.

So, it turns out that there is a TON of Yellow Perch fish out and about in Renassia today. I ran around, fishing up a little between giving gifts to Becky and to Tutu, and I caught three of them.

C.J., the social media-obsessed fisher, gladly took them off my hands in order to make me a collectible! I definitely was not expecting him to take a bunch of pictures of my fish in my grasp, too.

Other than that, I planted a NEW money tree, and I harvested an OLD money tree before chopping it down for wood. I also bought a TV with a VCR from the store, because I am a sucker for CRT TVs. I even have one next to my 4k television in real life with a Nintendo 64 set up on it!

Regardless, I am thinking that I really should get back to paying off my house expansion loan to Tom Nook sometime soon…Even though I know that Tom Nook is in no rush for me to pay it back for some reason.

What strange stories have you heard from Isabelle in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Have you paid off your loans to Tom Nook?

Let me know in the comments below!

Quentin H.
I have been a journalist for oprainfall since 2015, and I have loved every moment of it.