Kotobukiya has announced two new characters heading to their lineup of Trails (Kiseki) series figures. The first of these figures will be for Agnès Claudel, member of Arkride Solutions and Aramis Academy student. She debuted in The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak (Kuro no Kiseki). The figure will utilize her main outfit from Trails through Daybreak.
The second of these figures features a character who has already received a scale figure from Kotobukiya in the past. Altina Orion returns to figure form using her appearance from the latest game in the Trails series, The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell, O Zemuria-. Her previous Kotobukiya scale figure utilized her travel attire from Trails of Cold Steel IV.
Kotobukiya has already released scale figures for numerous characters in the Trails series. The characters released so far are: Estelle Bright, Renne Bright, Rean Schwarzer, Fie Claussell, Rixia Mao, Tio Plato, Emma Millstein, Altina Orion (Cold Steel IV), and Crow Armbrust.
Other than these already released characters and those already mentioned above, Kotobukiya also has figures in production for characters such as Joshua Bright, Elaine Auclair, and Shizuna Rem Misurugi.
The Trails series is a long running line of RPGs developed by Nihon Falcom. The latest game set to release overseas is The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II, which is scheduled to launch on February 14, 2025. The latest game to launch in Japan is The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell, O Zemuria- which released in Japan on September 26, 2024. A remake of the first game in the series, Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter, is in development.