An Aunt After My Own Heart | Promo

An Aunt After My Own Heart | Schoolgirl Outfit

It’s about that time again for yet another Shiravune announcement: An Aunt After My Own Heart is coming soon! A very particular visual novel from the developers known as a DarkOne. You may be familiar with their previous sadistic work, Nope Nope Nurses. A story featuring devilish women that’ll shake you to your core. However this time around we’ll be finding ourselves in, what the press release calls, a story of longing and regret. A short story that features tremendous artwork and plentiful choices. The game is now up for pre-order on several websites including Johren, Denpasoft, JAST, MangaGamer, and more. The game will be available for $11.99 from now until the end of the first week of release, where it’ll go back to $14.99. As always, synopsis will be down below. Let us know what you think of this title!

So what’s An Aunt After My Own Heart about?

The protagonist, Keisuke Shinozaki, returns alone to his grandparents’ house to stay for summer break.

There, he is greeted by his mother’s (much) younger sister, Yuuka.
Ever since he was little, the protagonist had always adored his kind, smart, and beautiful aunt.

However, it was quite the shock to learn that she was now engaged…

Both “Longing” and “Regret” lead down two different paths.


Diego Hernandez
Diego is an incredibly passionate visual novel enthusiast from an island within the Caribbean. He intends on working alongside Operation Rainfall to inform the masses about the vast library of breathtaking visual literature. As well as spreading awareness of the amazingly talented individuals hard at work on said breathtaking projects.