Order Us!

The fine folks at developer Argent have released their cute looking visual novel, Order Us!, on Itch.io. The game was supposed to release on Steam today, but Valve banned the game for daring to have a body type they didn’t approve of.

Author’s opinion:

This is an ongoing problem with Valve and has been for years now. If  it’s an anime style game that has a girl that isn’t as busty as a supermodel, they deem them a child and ban the game. This of course, is only with small publishers and lesser known IPs, or if you happen lose the lottery there and get a terrible Steam Rep.  This is why it is important to support titles like this one on other platforms they are more welcomed on, like Itch.io, JAST USA, MangaGamer or GOG.

I talked a bit about Steam’s unfair policy when it comes to anime games in this article about Maid of the Dead from qureate.

Here is more about Order Us! from the Itch.io page:

In retro-era Europe, a small café has a lot more than baking going on behind the curtains. The staff is made up exclusively of adorable girls dressed like menu items! The listed prices seem ludicrously expensive to any newcomers, appearing to cost several hundred times what one would expect. Yet the regulars argue that these rates are the best in town. At least, that’s what your dreams look like. In reality, the grand opening is two weeks away and you’ve managed to hire only two service girls, neither of which are capable of caring for the customers!

Peaches A promiscuous trickster who loves to play games and push buttons. Peaches has no respect for authority and regularly disregards your wishes. Her lack of subtlety in front of the customers and her necessity to push your buttons could easily rouse suspicion and attract unwanted attention.


Mocha An awkward wallflower in a rush to lose her firsts. Mocha is inexperienced, and not what one would typically expect given her occupation. Her naivety could leave her vulnerable to certain customers and functionally useless as a service girl.

With a set of problems and only two weeks to fix them, you fear that you might not have a single usable employee on opening day. You’ll have to choose which girl to spend your time with, and how to go about addressing their quirks in preparation for opening day. The precedent you set will surely have consequences, not only for the future of the business, but also in establishing what a boss-employee relationship looks like in your establishment. A light-hearted story of intimacy and carnality in a unique historical setting. Please enjoy this heartfelt introduction to the characters and world of Order Us!

Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.