Splatoon 3 | Side Order DLC Direct Screenshot

Earlier this morning, Nintendo put out two new trailers for Splatoon 3. The first trailer shows off the second wave of the game’s Expansion Pass DLC, Side Order, which will be available on February 22nd. You’ll find the new trailer down below, in addition to more info about this DLC from the latest press release. The new Fresh Season trailer, shows off this year’s brand new Fresh Season content, which will begin on March 1st. Feel free to check out both trailers below.

In Side Order, you play as Agent 8, a resident of Inkopolis who wakes up in a new “world of order,” where the color spectrum goes from white to … a little less white to … kinda gray to … well, that’s pretty much it. What’s an Octoling to do? Figure out how to bring a little color back into the picture, that’s what! Alongside a drone who claims to be Off the Hook member Pearl, Agent 8 must battle to the top of the Spire of Order against hordes of surprising enemies and obstacles.

On each floor of the Spire there are objectives that change each time you make an attempt, and they get harder the higher you climb. Objectives may include defeating enemies, securing specific areas for a set amount of time, and overcoming other skill-testing challenges. Use the color chips you receive to customize your Palette to your liking with enhancements such as increased firing speed, raised damage output and more. Fail to reach the top and you’ll have to start over – but the color chips you collect will be converted into a currency that can be exchanged for some permanent and helpful upgrades. Those upgrades might just give you a fighting chance of reaching the top next time around.

Designed to be replayed over and over as you update Agent 8 with powerful (and colorful) abilities, Side Order is a fun, challenging way to level up your Splatoon skills, for newcomers and vets alike.

Jenae R
Jenae is an RPG enthusiast who also enjoys cats, humidity-free warm weather, Dean Koontz books, Riichi Mahjong and a select handful of non RPG series and games. Two of her all-time favorite games are the original Shadow Hearts and Final Fantasy IX. She loves to ramble on about her numerous gaming opinions and is fortunate enough to be able to do it here at oprainfall.