While we here at Operation Rainfall love covering the latest in gaming news and sharing our reviews of titles new and classic, we also just enjoy playing games in our downtime. So with that, sit back, relax, and check out what the oprainfall gaming crew have been up to this week!
Super Mario Bros. 3
It’s been ages since I last played any of the NES Super Mario titles, as I’d sooner reach for Kirby’s Adventure when feeling the urge for a retro romp, yet I’ve had the want to revisit SMB 3 for some time now. I honestly can’t remember the last time I played it, but it was definitely on my NES rather than any kind of eShop offering, as they weren’t yet available, so, yeah, it’s been a long time.

And as I expected, I’m pretty terrible at it. While I do remember the layouts of several of the stages in World 1, that’s about all I remember. Sure, I can also tell you where the pink note blocks are, as well as the two warp whistles, but I’ve forgotten what you have to do in stage 4 to get the white mushroom house. Nor do I remember the requirements to get the N Cards to appear (though one did show up). I can also vaguely remember that you can get a white coin boat to appear in World 1, but also that the requirements are pretty ridiculous.

Maybe I’ll look at a walkthrough or something over on gamefaqs at a later time. For now, I’ll slowly make my way through this with rusted skills and gratitude for a save ability in these newer renditions, all the while remembering the fun I had from what feels like a lifetime ago. – Drew D.
I spent most of this week finishing up Yohane the Parhelion: -BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE-. I’ll have a full review coming shortly, but I played enough of it to 100% the map if that says anything about how I felt about it.
After that I decided to go back to past and check out Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. I own this in the collection they put on the PlayStation a few years ago, but I wanted to see how the PC-Engine release was since I was never able to play this as kid. I did own Cosmic Fantasy 2 though, which is still one of my favorite games of all time. Anyways, when I started this out I forgot just how hard OG Castlevania was; I died quite a few times until I got used to attack ranges and how the enemies moved.
I played through the first four stages so far, and I was told I could unlock Maria as a playable character and she was very overpowered. I had to see this for myself, and I can confirm she is very much that. A better ranged attack, better sub weapons, double jump and she can even heal herself. I’m pretty hooked on this and I’ll probably play the PlayStation 4 collection after this to see what changes were made. – Steve
What games have you been playing this week? Let us know in the comments!
You can read previous Week in Gaming entries here!