Aksys Games has announced they will be bringing Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Burst Forth!! Choro-gon☆ Breath this Summer for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. The story here begins as Kobayashi and her dragon friends are sucked into a strange computer world via an E-Mail. Kobayashi will now have to support Tohru, Kanna, and Elma as they battle through baddies in order to get home. The game uses a 3-fold attack system of Long Range, Melee and the unique and deadly Choro-gon Breath attacks and features a tag system.

Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.
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