The MangaGamer Summer Sale is winding down and will end tomorrow. I wanted to make a list of top titles featured in the sale for last minute shoppers. Some of these will be physical versions since digital versions may not have the same sale price. Let’s get the ball rolling here, shall we?
MangaGamer Game #1 – Imouto Paradise 3
Sale Price – $38.20
The story here follows the Nanase family as usual, but this time it is the cousins of the original release. Their parents have gone away for the summer leaving the protagonist older brother in the care of his sisters. He is reluctant to give into his desires for a while, but soon folds under the pressure. Just like in other entries, each of the sisters has a route for you to explore as well as a harem route if you just cannot choose your favorite imouto. There is no path-finding here, just choose the girl you want to spend time with or do nothing for a few weeks to start the harem route.
This title features some great live 2D and tons of H-Content. This one is very entertaining from start to finish. Rika is the best girl, and I will stand by this!
MangaGamer Game #2 – Beat Angel Escalayer R
Sale Price – $40.45
I’m currently playing this one for a full review here on the site, and I’m having a blast so far. One day a girl transferred into Kyouhei Yanase’s class. She looked just like his childhood friend, Sayuka Kouenji. Little did he know his childhood friend had become the Escalayer, a powerful weapon that is meant to repel the invading alien army of Dai-Lust. Her abilities are powered by sexual energy. Kyouhei, being the huge pervert he is, is asked to aid her in battle. Kyouhei is actually a fairly decent tactician as well, so this works out well for them. You must manage your time wisely and fight hard to gain enough power to defeat Dia-Lust’s army and bring peace to world.
MangaGamer Game #3 –Magic & Slash -Riru’s Sexy Grand Adventure-
Sale Price – $11.97
Our story begins in a dungeon. A powerful necromancer is being imprisoned here. His prison term will soon be cut very short as a group of orcs bust him out. The necromancer sets out on a quest for ultimate power, you know like most bad guys. We are then introduced to a large breasted girl named Tanya. Her brother Luis sent her a letter requesting her adventuring skills to deal with monsters that were cutting off trade routes to their town. She has arrived there with her apprentice, Riru. Tanya decides Riru is ready to adventure on her own, but before she sets out, Tanya mails her friend Mimi for help. She is a master of all forms of magic and will be great help in dealing with the monsters. Will Riru complete her quest and free her master’s town from the monster menace?
Gameplay here is actually quite good as well. You use the mouse to move on screen by either holding down the left mouse button or clicking. When you left click on monsters Riru will attack them, or if you use the right mouse button she will use whichever spell you have equipped. New skills and passive abilities can be unlocked with feat points gained when Riru levels up. You can bind additional spells and items to some quick use keys on the keyboard as well. These keys can be customized to your liking in the options menu.

MangaGamer Game #4 & 5 –Funbag Fantasy / Funbag Fantasy: SideBoob Story
Sale Price – $33.71 (each) for Hardcopies
I recently got into this series when I looked into Funbag Fantasy: Side Boob Story 2, and I fell in love with what I found here. You follow the misadventures of King Lute, who seems like a total boob, but is likely the most cunning man in the world. The way he gets out of each crazy situation will give you a good laugh, and is always entertaining. Throw in a harem of busty queens and you have yourself one really fun series. These games are quite long, but worth the time you invest in them. If you don’t buy them soon, Shamsiel will be upset and we can’t have an upset adorable succubus, can we?
There are many more discounted on, during MangaGamer Summer Sale so hurry and get in on these great deals before they are gone.
Let us know in the comments below if you plan on picking up any titles before the MangaGamer Summer Sale ends.