Since Anime Central 2020 was cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic MangaGamer has decided to relay their announcements that were planned for the event via video. The video features Bamboo President and Founder of MangaGamer and OVERDRIVE.
Highlights from the above video include the following:
Growing up, Kei’s future could be not be any clearer. As the son of a long line of doctors he was on the fast track into medical college until everything changed one day. Forced to drop out and struggle to complete night classes to finish his education, he finds himself doubting the rails that had been laid before him. Did he ever truly want to be a doctor? Could there possibly be any other path for him to take in life? What follows an endeavor taken upon a whim leads to a whirlwind of new experiences and encounter with rock’n roll that strikes a chord with his very soul. Does he dare to do it? To cast aside his former dreams for the chance pursue something he never imagined before?
Experience it for yourself in this masterpiece that explores the soul of rock’n roll, and delves into the tribulations that follow every decision we make in life and our careers!
MUSICUS will launch on both MangaGamer and Steam. There will be a free patch for the Steam version of the game.