Udon's Art of Capcom 3

Udon's Art of Capcom Comic Art

It has been announced that the third art compilation, Udon’s Art of Capcom 3 is set to be released on September 29. The compilations features art for games such as Mega Man, Street Fighter, and Darkstalkers. Each of the collections are over 300 pages long and contain things such as promotional art, comic covers, and tribute art among others. All three are currently available for pre-order.

The first of the Udon’s Art of Capcom compilations will be released on July 28, with the second on August 25, and the third on September 29.

SOURCE: Press Release

Walter P
Plays too much, but still has too many games to finish. Will play any type of game and will watch anything, so is of course not good at being productive. Loves anything crazy.