Switch owners with an online subscription have two more games added to the collection of Nintendo Switch Online library: Donkey Kong 3 and Wrecking Crew.



Donkey Kong 3 adds the third classic Donkey Kong game to Nintendo Switch Online, all of which adapted from earlier arcade titles. Unlike it’s predecessors it was a shooter rather than a platformer and featured a bug spray armed protagonist named Stanley defending his green house for the titular stubborn ape. The NES version was released in 1984.

Wrecking Crew was released a year later in 1985, and was also an adaptation of an arcade game called Vs. Wrecking Crew. It’s notable both for being one of the earliest titles to feature Mario as well as being a launch title for the NES. The player tries to break blocks while avoiding enemies. Pretty simple stuff.

Besides the two new games Nintendo also added a special version of Mighty Bomb Jack you might want to take for a spin.

Aaron Evangelisti
Aaron is a lifelong video games enthusiast who's been playing since the days of the NES. He enjoys just about all types of games from RPGs, to platformers, to strategy. He also fancies himself a bit of a writer so writing about video games makes sense, right?